What is a Sinus Infection?
The nasal cavity is the area in the nose that is responsible for filtering and warming the air before it reaches the lungs. The sinuses are air-filled hollows in the skull, which are located near the nasal cavity. Sinus infections occur when bacteria or viruses enter these pockets and cause inflammation. Sinus infections are very common and happen when a virus or bacteria irritates the lining of your nose. This irritation can also lead to pain in your facial area and headaches. Allergies can also lead to sinusitis symptoms as well. These symptoms are usually seasonal with hay fever being one of the most common allergies to cause a sinus infection. Other conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or cystic fibrosis can also cause these types of infections as well.The 3 Most Common Symptoms of Sinus Infections
There are many types of sinus infections. A person can experience one or a combination of these symptoms.- Common cold: This is more than likely the most common type of sinus infection, and it's usually accompanied by congestion, runny nose, and cough.
- Sinusitis: A sinus infection that is caused by either a virus or bacteria which leads to an inflammation in the sinuses.
- Allergic Rhinitis: A person who is allergic to something will have this type of infection, and it's accompanied by more congestion than other type of infections. Along with runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.
What’s the Difference between a Viral Sinus Infection vs Bacterial Sinus Infection?
The distinction between viral and bacterial sinus infections is not made by the symptoms or by the physical examination of the patient. The distinction is made on the basis of testing done on nasal secretions and chest x-rays. A viral sinus infection is caused by a virus, usually an adenovirus. It can cause headaches, body aches, coughs, congestion and fever. A viral sinus infection may last for 10 days or more without any treatment.A bacterial sinus infection is caused by bacteria that have developed a resistance to antibiotics. When a bacterial sinus infection goes untreated it can lead to serious complications like meningitis or pneumonia.
How to treat a Viral Sinus Infection?
The most common symptom of a viral sinus infection is head congestion. Other symptoms include pain in the face, fever, sore throat, and cough. The most important thing to do is to take care of your sinuses by doing two things - decongesting them and giving them some time to heal. If you are suffering from a viral sinus infection, don't self-medicate yourself with over the counter medications or antibiotics because it may lead to chronic problems.It is best for you if you follow these simple steps: 1) drink plenty of fluids and 2) avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes which can dry out the nasal passages more than they already are.
How to treat a Bacterial Sinus Infection?
Most of the time, a bacterial sinus infection is caused by a cold. When you have a cold, there are various symptoms that come with it like coughing, sneezing and congestion. The most common symptom of a bacterial sinus infection is fever. People who have an immune system that is not very strong should worry about getting the bacterial sinus infection and take precautions to prevent it from happening. People who are pregnant or have diabetes should get treatment for the bacterial sinus infection in order to avoid any potential complications that may arise from untreated infections. Treating the bacterial sinus infection can be done through antibiotics. In addition to taking antibiotics, doctors recommend that people drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible so the body can fight the bacteria more efficiently.Acute Sinusitis vs. Chronic Sinusitis
The chronic sinusitis is a long-term condition that can be caused by allergies, viral infection, or anatomical issues. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, and it can be acute as well as chronic. Acute sinusitis is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection, while the chronic one has other causes such as allergies and anatomical issues.
The symptoms of these two types of sinusitis differ greatly. The acute one mostly has fever and facial pain but doesn't usually last for more than 10 days. On the other hand, chronic sinusitis persists for many weeks or months and has less severe symptoms like nasal congestion, cough and headache.